Plies are for the flies!

Plies are for the flies, UsFlex is the answer you have been looking for!

Conventional plied belts are becoming a thing of the past. Straight warp UsFlex belts  (a.k.a. unit construction) are slowly proving their worth in the field. What’s the big deal? The big deal is that this belt has better performance, longer run times, and less down time. UsFlex is unique because it provides many benefits over plied belts.  It has more than three times the longitudinal rip and impact resistance. You may think that there has to be a catch.  Surely, it has to be heavier and less flexible than that of an equal PIW plied belt, right? On the contrary,  UsFlex is both lighter and more flexible!

Let’s review the advantages of UsFlex:

Lighter – less load on the motors or more product that can be loaded on the conveyor.

More flexible – allows more versatility with conveyor systems.

Better rip resistance – longer belt life and less down time

More Impact resistance – it will take higher drops and heavier products.

If you want all of the above plus more production time, less down time, and less headaches then you need to talk to SEMCOR about UsFlex , made by Fenner Dunlop and locally stocked at SEMCOR.

For more information, contact Preston Plambeck (